
The demonstrations performed during the lectures are all based on the Matlab program. They consits of a set of m-files that can be run by all implementations of Matlab 8.0 and higher. You can gain access to the files by downloading the ZIP file for the individual lectures below.

This contains a directory for each lecture, where all the m-files for that particular lecture is stored. All files must then be copied to a directory from which the demonstration can be run. Note that some demonstrations uses m-files with the same name, so files from different lectures might conflict. It is therefore important to keep files from different lectures in different directories.

The programs has been developed on a PC with a sound card. They have been tested under Linux for Matlab with the signal processing toolbox installed.

No guarantee on the proper operation of these programs is given, and they might not work in exact the same way on other operating systems. Especially problems with sound can be encountered, when running on hardware with no sound card. This can easily be fixed by removing code lines with the sound statement involved. The programs are not fully debugged and might not give logical answers for some uses.

Note, that these programs must only be used for self study. Please do not copy or use them for any other purposes without consulting me first.

Click on the different lecture numbers to jump to the individual lecture programs. The name after the lecture indicates the program to run for starting the demonstration.

for_1: snd_demo, con_demo for_3: sir_demo for_5: flow_demo
for_9: non_linear_demo for_10: phase_demo for_15: proj_demo, ct_demo

Note that the Field II program must be installed properly before the demonstration program for lecture 3 will work. It can be found at:
Last updated: 11:26 on Mon, 28-Aug-2023